How to Change Beliefs and Let Go of Trauma Passed on Through the Generations with EFT

It seems simple to say, “If I could just change how I feel about myself then everything will fall into place and I will achieve my dreams.”
That's easier said than done, right? You've tried affirmations and still, you may not be making the money you wanted, or have found that perfect relationship, job, or career. You’re still procrastinating and walking around in fear with stress and anxiety. You still have those physical issues.
Everything you experience in life is filtered through your beliefs about yourself. You even inherit beliefs and trauma that your parents and ancestors unconsciously passed on to you.
We now have the opportunity to break these negative belief patterns with new epigenetic techniques. This new learning is transforming.
Your subconscious is running 95% of your life. You can’t always change those subconscious beliefs by working hard, saying affirmations, or getting success coaching. These things can help but if they are not working, it is an indication that you still have negative beliefs that stop you from moving forward because of fear. If you have trapped trauma, and parts within you that believe it is not safe to reach your goals, they will stop you. Likewise, if you can achieve your goals despite the trauma, it can sabotage your success. You don't need to stop declaring those affirmations but you must, at the same time, heal the wounds of the past and in the process, let go of any accompanying limiting beliefs you took on from the past.
Where do these beliefs come from?
You learn beliefs about yourself and life in general, from experiences you had during your life when a traumatic event occurred (usually when you are young) or which was passed on to you generationally. To survive, and we are all about survival, your subconscious created a belief to keep you safe. The belief is usually not true, though you believed it to be true at the time. It remains in your subconscious and runs the rest of your life, believing that it is keeping you safe from harm and rejection. If you do not heal the trauma and transform the accompanying limiting belief, it will continue to run your life.
A child’s brain, between the ages of 0 to 3 years of age, functions at the Delta frequency. Between the ages of 4 -7, the child’s brain functions predominantly at the Theta frequency.
This means that from childbirth (or even in the womb) to age 7, your brain registers things at a “hypnotic” level and drives them deep into your subconscious mind. Those formative years created the foundation for how you will react to the outside world for the rest of your life unless you learn to change the programming at the subconscious level.
As we only have Theta, Delta, and Alpha brain waves up until the age of 7 years, we are in a hypnotic state. What we experience and witness from early childhood, we believe to be true. After all our parents were our gods when we were children, and our survival is completely in their hands, why wouldn’t we believe them, we don’t know anything different and we didn’t have a choice.
Ancestral trauma can affect our choices for the rest of our lives if we don’t take care of them at the subconscious and cellular level. The importance of our lives and the experiences and challenges we face shape our identity and influence the individuals we become.
We all experience trauma of some kind and have obstacles to overcome and grow from. They are our own particular and unique school of life and are connected to our purpose. The wisdom acquired from overcoming challenges becomes the foundation for giving back, drawing from both traumas and lessons. Without addressing and overcoming these challenges, how can one authentically unlock their potential and fulfill their purpose?
How do we grow from these negative beliefs and traumas?
You grow by transforming the beliefs you learned. Some of the techniques I have found to be helpful and transforming are EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, Internal Family Systems, and Grief Recovery. If the client is open, we can also establish a loving connection with their higher power. Trauma often instills a sense or belief of isolation or being unloved, and it's helpful to address this during our sessions. Many have been judged, rejected, and deeply hurt by religion and are angry at God. That's understandable but that doesn't mean you can't have a more in-depth and meaningful relationship with this higher power without the judgments and trappings that come with religion.
As you heal you will be able to see and feel differently about past fearful or sad events. They will no longer have an emotional sting and you will have more clarity and understanding. You will be free to see a new more empowering and life-affirming belief.
“ Don’t turn away, keep your gaze on the bandaged places. That is where the light enters you” ~ Rumi
Are we victims?
Even though we may have been victims as children, subconsciously it's possible to carry that belief throughout our lives even though the abuse or challenging experiences happened so long ago. It can run your life behind the scenes and sabotage golden opportunities and friendships. It's possible to get free of those limiting subconscious beliefs and get to choose what you want to walk away from and not because of fear. This is possible when working on these issues with someone knowledgeable, effective, who has compassion, understanding, and who values and honors you and your unique journey.
At this time, we are beginning to understand the harmful effects of trauma on the body, mind, and spirit but you can also experience the power of God’s love, the power of your heart, mind, and soul to heal. We can now transform the negative belief patterns passed down through our ancestors with these new epigenetic techniques.
If you would like to transform ancestral wounding and negative beliefs to live your unique potential, please click this link Book a Call for a complimentary 20-minute consultation with me. I'd love to chat with you to see if I can help you and if we would be a good fit.
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