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Cultivating Gratitude: The Power of Thanksgiving in Everyday Life

We've heard so much about gratitude in the last few years, and there is a good reason for it. Practicing gratitude every day is a...

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EFT- Tapping and The Apex Effect

In her book, The Science Behind Tapping, Peta Stapleton, PhD, says she has never seen anything like The Apex Effect in all her years of...

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How to Heal and Gain Self-Knowledge through the Practice of Journaling

I was never one to journal when I was young, so starting as an adult has been exciting and enlightening. Creative writing and journaling have...

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The Amazing Benefits of Laughter

While working with a client on an issue regarding her successful yet sometimes stressful business, we were tapping on the issue at hand, and for...

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How to Flourish with Strong Boundaries and Healthy Life Balance

I notice more and more as I run my business, that one of the things I find challenging is finding balance. When I decide to do something,...

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How to be in Touch with your Body, Mind and Emotions using EFT-Tapping

In the second week of The Letting Go Life 8-week coaching program, participants learn how to begin to understand the signals our bodies tell...

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How to Let Go, Refresh & Renew by Spending Quality Time Alone

Carving out moments of solitude in this fast-paced and competitive world is crucial for our well-being. It is easy to lose track of ourselves...

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How to Live a Free and Purposeful Life by Letting Go of What Holds You Back

Recently I spent time with my eldest daughter, her husband, and in-laws. We had a wonderful time at the beach. When I think of her, I feel a...

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7 Ways to Feel Healthier and Happier

To feel healthier and happier, it takes a combination of self-awareness and consciously working with the three parts of our system, our mind, body,...

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10 EFT Mistakes You Should Be Aware of to Get the Best Results

EFT is an invaluable technique to calm the fight, flight, freeze, and fawn response in the body.  If you are tapping on your own at home,...

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Gain more Emotional Intelligence with EFT and Matrix Reimprinting

While reading this article by Daniel Goleman, the author of “Emotional Intelligence,” I couldn’t help but agree that...

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The Important Value of Finding Quietude, a Time to Reflect and Renew

Spring is finally here in full force, my favorite season! It has been an incredible blessing over the winter months, to spend a lot of quiet...

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