How to Enjoy the Miracles in Everyday Life

The snow started falling in the morning, and as it landed on my balcony, I happened to look out and see all these little stars on the concrete and the furniture. I’d never noticed snowflakes like this before. Living in the city and not having grown up with snow, I mostly saw snow as cold (I don't like cold) and a nuisance. It turns into a brown, slushy mess in the city and can be inconvenient.
But here was this incredible miracle as I gazed out on the balcony and beheld these unique little stars. They were each very beautiful and completely different. I felt like a kid again, in awe and wonder. The miracle of snow that each snowflake is unique, not one the same as another, just like us. There are billions of people in the world, and not one is the same; we are all unique and a miracle, just like the snowflakes.
I saw another miracle while riding the bus to my exercise class. It was lightly snowing, and as we stopped to pick up some passengers, I saw a few birds on a tree, flying from branch to branch. I couldn’t tell if they were enjoying the snow, but I marveled that here they were with only some feathers keeping them warm in this 20F-degree weather.
One of the birds was a robin, the harbinger of Spring. I always get excited when I see a robin towards the end of winter as it gives me hope that Spring is coming soon. Here was this robin in the middle of winter. Did he or she have her timing off? I understood it as God showing me that there is always hope, and even though our 'winters' in life may be difficult and never seem to end, there is always hope that Spring will eventually come. Each season in life has its value and its importance. Life goes on in its beautiful and inimitable way.
I pray that you always know deep in your heart that you, like the snowflakes, are a miracle, exquisitely beautiful, and magnificent in your uniqueness. I hope you will know that if you are going through struggles, hardships, and difficulties, Spring will be here soon. Look for the miracles in your life; they are there; you only have to be open to seeing them. I could never see the miracle of the snow because I was looking at it the wrong way. I could only see the snow's negatives and wasn't open to the miracle within.
I remember when things were tough for my family just a few years back. I thought of Job a lot at that time, and when the challenges just never seemed to end, the thought of Job and his patience helped me persevere and not give up. I experienced many miracles among the struggles. I knew there was a reason for these hardships, and the learning was profound. Those difficult times ended, and Spring came in all its glory.
Recently, a friend of one of my sons killed himself; it was heartbreaking. It seemed he had never been happy. How sad that this young person never knew how precious he was, how much he was loved, if not by his parents but by God. There is always an answer, there is always hope, there is always the promise of Spring, and there are always miracles. We have to be open to seeing them, have patience to await them, perseverance to endure hardships, and faith that when we join our life to God, we will never be abandoned.
Remember to love others no matter what. Let them know they are precious to you. Let them know that you care; let them know that their presence in your life is important, that they are important and lovable. Spend time with those who are lonely, call or write to those apart from you.
Take extraordinary care of yourself, so that you can take extraordinary care of others.
You are a miracle!
If you need a breakthrough in your life or healing so you can see the miracles in your life, please reach out to me. You can schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation here Book a Call.
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